Cycling Scenic West Virginia - Indian Mills - Greenville Area Riding Map
  • Greenville
  • Back Creek, Co. 25/3
  • Near Wikel
  • Co.  25.
  • Hans Creek, Co. 25
  • Blue Lick Creek, 25/5
  • Hans Creek, Co. 25
  • Hans Creek, Co. 25
  • Shanklins Ferry Rd
  • Orchard Road, Co. 33
  • Orchard Road, Co. 33
  • Co. 24 near Bozoo.
  • Near Bozoo, Co. 24.
Greenville1 Back Creek, Co. 25/32 Near Wikel3 Co.  25.4 Hans Creek, Co. 255 Blue Lick Creek, 25/56 Hans Creek, Co. 257 Hans Creek, Co. 258 Shanklins Ferry Rd9 Orchard Road, Co. 3310 Orchard Road, Co. 3311 Co. 24 near Bozoo.12 Near Bozoo, Co. 24.13

Indian Mills - Greenville Area Riding Map


Cooks Old Mill

There are four rides listed on this site in the area covered by the area map, but the roads in the area provide multiple other options for great rides. The posted rides can provide a guide for learning the area, and then you can use the area map for devising your own routes.

Riding in this area is characterized by relatively flat roads along the river and creek valleys and rolling terrain along the ridges and upland areas. The transitions between the valleys and upland area can feature climbs with some very steep sections. Even the upland areas can have some short steep ramps to climb.

The climbing however, is rewarded with great vistas from most of the upland roads. Since most of the flat land has been cleared for farming, you often have unobstructed views for miles into the distance. There is about a 500 foot average elevation difference from the stream valleys to the upland areas. In the valleys you are usually riding alongside crop and pasture lands. The upland features more hay and pasture. The steep hillside are usually covered in forest.

U.S. Route 219 skirts the Southwest corner of the area and has the most traffic and is generally avoided by area cyclist. Two State routes, 12 and 122, bisect the area. Route 12 runs North - South and has moderate traffic at most times. Route 122 runs East -West and has lighter traffic and follows Indian Creek for much of distance in the area. The other paved roads in the area are county routes and generally have light traffic. The county routes vary from 2 lanes striped, to single lane (most common) requiring vehicles to put right side tires on the gravel to pass.

Knowing that some cyclist seek out climbs for the challenge, others try to avoid them, and some just want to be prepared, here is a listing of some of the more testy climbs in the area in no particular order. On the first map, the steeper climbs are designated with a thick red arrow - . Remember that “average1” means you will have gradients of more and less on the climbs.

Kibble Hill West Side Climb on Co. 27 from Red Sulphur Springs. 1.1 miles total averaging 7%. Average 9.5% for first 0.6 miles.
Kibble Hill East Side Climb on Co. 25/2 from Co. 25 on Hans Creek. 0.8 miles, average 7%, 0.4 miles averaging 9%.
Baker Hill Climb on Co. 19 from route 122. 0.9 miles, 8%, 0.5 miles 9.8%
Wikel Climb on co. 23/7 from route 122; 0.9 miles, average 8.6%. 6% first 0.4 and 12% last 0.5 miles.
Blue Lick on Co. 25/5 to Co. 27; 0.4 miles, average 9%. 12.5% first 0.2 and 5.8% last 0.2 miles
Ballard on Rt. 12 South form Red Sulphur; 1.3 miles, 6.5% average, 8.6% last 0.8 miles.
Route 122 West from Indian Creek toward Forest Hill; 0.6 miles, average 8.5%, 10% for 0.5 miles.

Routes listed on this site in the area.

Favorite Sections: I love the whole area, but riding up Hans Creek, across Orchard Road (Co. 33), going to Bozoo and Marie are always highlights for me. The Lillydale area with the covered bridge is fun, cruising down 23/5 along Back Creek and stopping at Cooks Old Mill outside of Greenville are all highlights of riding in the area.

Area Road Elevations
Ballard 2.127
Bozoo 2.214
Coulter Chapel 1.932
Forest Hill 1.931
Greenville 1.702
Indian Mills 1.525
Lillydale 1.793
Marie 2.065
Orchard 2.152
Red Sulphur Springs 1.540


The area covered by this map is in Southwestern Monroe, and Eastern Summers Counties. The nearest incorporated towns are Peterstown, Hinton, Alderson and Unioin..




left onto route 12, you immediately begin climbing at 2 - 4% for a mile before ramping up to 6-7% up to the finish at Forest Hill.

Local Sources

Nearest Bike Shops:
Hill and Holler Bicycle Works,121 East Washington Street, Lewisburg, WV

Food - Water- Gas Sources: There are two convenience stores in the area. One located in Ballard on State Route 12, and one located in Greenville on State Route 122.

Items of Interest in the area:

The Cooks Old Mill, is located just West of Greenville.

The Wakerobin Gallery featuring hand formed pottery of Marcia Springton , and crafts of other local artisans is located at Forest Hill.

An Amish bakery is located on Seminole Road out past the Baptist Church West of Forest Hill. It is open on Fridays and Saturdays.
(Amish in West Virginia)

Laurel Creek (Lillydale) Covered Bridge is located on Co. 23/4 near Lillydale.

Lodging and Camping

Monroe County Lodging
Creekside Resort & Spa is located on the bike route near Greenville
Larew Cottage is located on the bike route in Hans Creek on Co. 25.
Primitive Camping is available at Bluestone Wildlife Management Area on the bike route

Bluestone State Park near Hinton has cabins and camping facilities.

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