Cycling Scenic West Virginia - Upper Scenic Highway Loop

  • Near Woodrow
  • From overlook on Scenic Highway
  • No shade on the Scenic Highway
  • View from Scenic Highway
  • View from Scenic HighwayLooking toward Woodrow and Edray
  • Near WooddrowThe Scenic Highway is on the mountain in the distance.
Near Woodrow1 From overlook on Scenic Highway2 No shade on the Scenic Highway3 View from Scenic Highway4 View from Scenic Highway5 Near Wooddrow6

Upper Scenic Highway Loop


Length: 24.7
Climbing: 2690
Rating: 2.6*
Climbing per Mile: 109
Minimum Alt: 2,343 Ft.
Max. Altitude: 4,415 Ft.
Altitude Variance: 2,072 Ft.
*Two Cat. 5 and one Cat 2 climb.

Route can be extended to 34+ miles by taking routes 1, 15 or 16 and 219/3 from Edray

Location: This ride is in central Pocahontas County. The listed starting point is, Edray, just north of Marlinton on US 219. Edray, junction of St. 150 and FS 86 at the Williams River Bridge, and the Rt. 150, 219 intersection are possible starting points. The route provides plenty of climbing, but wonderful scenery and great vistas.

PDF Map and Turn List

Slide Show of 34 mile option out Brownsburg Road from Edray.

Ride with GPS file of route created by George Cook

General Route Description

This route is short but challenging. With climbs of 2 miles, 1 mile, and 3 miles in that order, it is a test of your climbing legs, and there are some rollers in between. For the climbing, you are rewarded with great vistas and a downhill that doesn't seem to end.

Edray to Highland Scenic Highway: From Edray, have a short steep climb after passing the fish hatchery, before the 2 mile winding shaded climb at Woodrow. Topping out the Woodrow climb, your enter the Williams River drainage. You ride through a beautiful farming area and are going downgrade with a few short steep ramps. Crossing the Williams River, you soon begin the one mile climb with variable pitch. Topping out the climb, you have a long downgrade to the junction with the Highland Scenic Highway.

Highland Scenic Highway to Edray: Taking a left onto the on ramp for the Scenic Highway and a right on the highway, you cross the Williams River and begin the 3 mile climb. This climb is steeper at the bottom than at the top, but is pretty consistent from top to bottom. You hope it is not a hot sunny day, as you have no shade on this climb. After reaching the overlook at the top, you have an excuse to take a break to check out the view, but you still have a little more climbing to do. After topping the last little climbing, it is all downhill. After a long downhill and passing another pull off overlook, you arrive at Rt. 219 junction. Taking a right here, you still have 3 miles of twisting, turning downhill before arriving at the finish.

I usually extend this ride by going out Co. 1, Back Mt. Rd., to Co. 16. Taking a right onto Co. 16 takes you to Co. 15, and a right on Co. 15 take you down to US 219. Taking a right on US 219 and then a left at the end of the bridge onto 219/3 at Campbelltown, takes you back to Co. 17 and the original route. When doing the extended route, I usually start at Marlin Chapel. The extended route is 33.3 miles.

Bike route 2026634 - powered by Bikemap 

Food-Water Sources:
The only public food and water sources on the route, is the convenience store in Edray at the junction of US 219 and Co. 17.

Items of Interest Along the Route:

The Edray Fish Hatchery, Williams River, and the Highland Scenic Highway are the major attractions along this route.

Local Sources

Nearest Bike Shops:

Joey's Bike Shop, 19 B Third St. Elkins, 304-636-0219
Hill and Holler Bicycle Works,121 East Washington Street, Lewisburg, WV


The listing of routes on this site is not a guarantee of the safety of the route. Cycling has inherent risks and riders skills vary. Traffic conditions vary by time of day, season and local events. Road conditions can vary and change and may change dramatically over one winter season. Riders need to ride within their capabilities and be alert for road hazards and traffic at all times.

Copyright Notice:

This site, maps, photos and all materials created for this site are copyright of the author unless otherwise noted. They may NOT be posted on other sites or reproduced for sale or profit, without specific permission of the author. However, the maps and turn lists may be down loaded for personal, non profit use.

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